Would it Have Mattered?

My brother's message scared me once I had a decent signal and could listen to it.  However, I wasn't completely prepared for the days to follow.

We can't change things that might have been meant to be, but it doesn't make it any easier. His goal was to remain hidden, not wanting to be found. He'd reached some end, couldn't dig his way out of whatever he'd gotten himself into, and aimed to hide, much like a dog or cat when they know their end is near. 

I'm sure that, even if I'd heard his message earlier or, more so, answered when he'd called, his mind had been made up. Though ten years apart in age, he and I were alike in some ways, and when his voice said "I thought you would understand" at the end of the message, I knew something terrible had happened.


After two days of searching by the family and many volunteers, his body had been found. By then we all knew. It was in our family already. One successful suicide, two confirmed attempts and I'm sure several other fails that'll never be admitted to. There were eight of us originally. One passed away from a questionable illness decades ago and now two by suicide, leaving five grown maladjusted, emotionally stunted siblings, the majority of whom no longer get along. We're not unlike functioning alcoholics, living our lives clouded by various states of mental deficiency instead of drink.

I'll always wish I had one more day with my youngest brother. I'm certain I wouldn't have been able to change his mind, but I would certainly have tried had I known he was that close to the edge.

Yes, this is real. It's been some years now, but it's never gone away. Thoughts of this were recently refreshed when my wife put an underripe avocado in a bag to ripen. 


  1. Sorry for your loss;l even though it may have been years past, the wound can still be fresh.

  2. I'm so sorry you've had to go through so much sadness! My heart goes out to you and your family!

  3. Oh that is incredibly sad. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  4. I've had a few suicides in my family. It's rough. But ultimately I had to accept that there was no other path for them, and it was their choice. Still, the survivor pain is hard.

  5. Oh my, I'm so very sorry. Suicidal ideology runs in our Family too and I once had a near attempt, so I can see it now from both sides. Despair, for whatever reason, and hopelessness, are a terrible Space to Hold. Big Hugs. But I can see the Bagged Avocado and Note were a Trigger. So sorry, even after all this time... but, glad to see you active in the Land of Blog again my Friend.

    1. I cannot imagine experiencing this with such a close family member and sorry an innocent action triggered this memory. Best wishes, my dear.

  6. Wow. I am so sorry, pressfortime. My condolences to you and your family. My mother's side of the family has a lot of mental illness problems and some have fared better than others. I am glad mental health is more mainstream these days but I still feel like it isn't as accessible for those that need it.


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