Something Odd Happened Sunday

 Yeah, I'm back.  I'd lost that creative spark some time ago, and my blogging/writing time has for months been eaten away at by job and home hunting.  

So anyway, Yesterday afternoon, after a vigorous intimate encounter as my wife and I lay in our bed working on a word puzzle on her cell phone, something odd happened.  Apparently, and without realizing it I'd suggested the same word as a guess four times in a row, forgetting between each guess that I'd already guessed it.  My wife looked at me at one point and asked, "Are you okay?"  I felt odd, puzzled and uncomfortable.  Around the same time for who the fuck knows what reason I'd realized that I could not for the life of me remember the names of two people I typically encounter several times a week at work.  Also, I couldn't remember the make of car someone close to me had just purchased and with which we'd had a recent bout of difficulties.  Now, I have no clue why I was thinking about any of this post-afternoon delight and while word puzzling.  The point is, this was very disturbing and left me feeling quite unsettled.   Immediately, my mind raced to things like mini stroke, dementia, and whatnot.  Later that night, while watching television my wife asked if I remembered the word I kept guessing, and I could not answer her.  For years, I've had a bad memory.  It was the butt of many jokes, especially with my kids and ex-wife.  But now, at 60, I can't help but feel more than a little shaken.  My dear mother, God rest her soul, struggled with a terribly perforated memory, and suffered multiple small strokes in her 60s and 70s.  I guess I have a lot of research to do.


  1. I had that happen to me maybe 15 years ago. They think it was a TIA. I was better the next day. But I, too, couldn't remember songs, poems, etc. A friend was with me and while I understood every word he was saying, it was hard to grasp the message. It's never happen to me again. Take care. Getting old is not for wimps. *sigh*

  2. That sounds very frightening and if it hasn’t improved today, I’d go to your PCP. And omg on the house hunting. My son and his wife have been making offers for a year. The housing market is a nightmare.

  3. I'm glad you're back, I added you back to my sidebar once I realized you're back on the grid. But, the topic of this Post is unsettling and disturbing, I do it a lot too and similar thoughts race thru my Mind since my Mom ended Life with end stages of advanced Dementia, of coarse she was in her 80's, so perhaps I have time yet? *LOL* Dad was sharp as a tack but lived a Decade shorter than Mom, so the Genetics there are a Catch 22... live longer and risk a steady decline, or go out earlier with all faculties intact? I do a lot of Brain stimulation activities to try to keep on top of it, but I do understand your fears as it could progress into something none of us would want to happen. As for House Hunting, so glad we resolved that for hopefully the last time, moving gets ever harder as we Age, I used to be a Nomad, now I want this to be Forever coz I don't wanna go thru the Ordeal of Moving ever again! Not to mention, when did buying a Home and finding good ones become so freakin' expensive?!

  4. I hope that it's nothing serious and just brain overload! Many times I forget things, but blame it on being distracted with a bazillion other things. Keep us updated and stay positive. :)

  5. That sounds really scary. I would see a doctor and get checked out for a TIA. If it happens again or something similar happens I would go to the ER to make sure it isn't a mini stroke.

  6. Sorry, that is concerning. Yet I'm impressed that you're having "vigorous intimate bouts" with your wife. The important things still work for ya.

  7. I've had it happen to and my Imagine doesn't seem affected since it runs Wild with all the horrible possibilities! It is concerning of coarse and if you don't have a Peace about it, get it checked out so you might discover what's going on. My Mom died from complications of dementia, but she was in her mid-80's so my Hope is, if I am deteriorating, it goes at a slow rate to where I got some decent Years left before Age related horrors get too bad.


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