Short Story Snippet, the Ending

 So here's the final piece of my short story I teased a while ago.  Apologies for leaving most of the story out, but I'm hoping to have this one submitted to a literary journal soon.  Thanks for reading.

  "It hurts, daddy.  I don't want you to go!"

     "You know I can't stay here, physically, but remember- I'll always be with you."

     "Daddy!  Please!" Barb cried.  "I love you!"

     "I love you, too, my Barbie," the old man answered.  They hugged, a hug that Barb hoped would last forever.  She remembered how good her father's hugs felt.  She didn't want to let go.


     As the kids approached, they found Barbara standing by the driftwood, staring out at the water.  Tears flowed down her cheeks, and she had her arms wrapped around herself.

    "Mom, your freezing!"  shouted Travis.  Barbara snapped back to life at the sound of his voice.

     "What's the matter, mommy?  You're crying again," said Missy.

     "Oh, I'm okay," Barb told them.  Her face brightened into a warm smile.  "I'm okay now, guys.  Did you find him?"

     "We didn't see him anywhere.  Did you?" Travis asked.

     "As a matter of fact, I did.  He came by a little while ago.  I knew it was him.  He wanted me to say goodbye to you.  He said he was glad to meet the two of you, but he had to move on."

     "He was pretty cool, huh mom?" asked Travis.

     "He was.  He was..." Barb trailed off.  "Come here, kids."   Barb grabbed her children and gave them a big, warm hug.

     "I love you two!"

     The sun just began to burn through the morning’s gray mist as they turned and walked home.



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