Write What You Know/Write What You Like to Read

I'm sure we've all read a lot from both schools of thought, and as a wannabe I'm still trying to figure out which writing style I prefer.   Over the years and after poring over my "Starts and Fits" folder it seems I've favored the latter, preferring what I consider an offbeat taste in fiction to personal experience, knowledge or researched data. 

Ultimately, I realize I've mixed the two in many of my stories, leaning on my upbringing, my youth, my memories and my life experiences.  From there I've either taken some liberties or gone off in unexpected directions.  Any thoughts?


  1. I was always the, "Write what you know" kind of person. still am I guess. I wrote a whole mess of small animal care articles for a websites years ago. Because that was what I knew and it was easy to write about what you know. Now if I tried writing a romance novel, which is what I like to read...I don't think I would be very successful.

    1. Years ago, I tried the small town rag thing, complete with interviews with locals, research, etc., and found that I really didn't like it much. Many brief stories I've written began during a particularly dark period, and with a brighter outlook I sometimes dig them out and go "man, what the hell...". I still prefer writing what I'd like to read, even though it's hard to find it.

  2. I've heard that "write what you know" before, but honestly, I never think of writing in those terms. I suppose that makes me more in the write what you like camp, since I just write what I feel like writing.

    1. That's pretty much where I stand. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I'm not much of a writer but I find my personal emotional reactions to experiences showing up in stories that are definitely not about my own personal experiences. I don't see how a mixture of the two would NOT occur.

    1. Some of my writing is my personal reaction to actual experiences, Debra. I do take some liberties, though.

  4. I'm all for mixing and melding story lines:)

  5. Whatever works, right? No bit of writing advice that is widely disseminated (I think that's the word I want) ever tells the whole story, so to speak. If it feels right, it's probably right.

  6. My writing preferences are very, very easy and straightforward: I stick to creative non-fiction as I have thousands of stories and experiences to share about my relatively unique lifestyle. This comes easy to me. I never tried my hand at fiction for three reasons: I feel the real world is exciting enough, I don't think I would be good at it, and this way I never have to worry about inconsistencies or going overboard. So, to refer to your title and answer your question, I am obviously writing "what I know." :-)


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