Write. Sure.

There is nothing quite like the early morning hours, when I know most people are still warm in their beds, snoring away.   The silence is blissful, the tick of the baseboard heaters as the steam flows through their pipes and the hum of the laptop soothe me.  Even the coffee sliding down my throat seems amplified.  Occasionally, a vehicle passes by, but it's only a brief interruption in my silence.  My cat, a sleek tabby companion of twelve years graces my lap and I am forced to slide the laptop closer to my knees.  I pause to reward his steadfast loyalty with long, slow strokes of his silky coat.  Soon the rest of the world will be waking and my little bubble will burst.  Even on weekends, "sleeping in" for me means up by five or thereabouts.  My mornings are my time.  As I sit here, I think, I yawn and think some more.  I type, I stretch and type some more.  Soon, I'll have to leave this world and get ready to face the real one.  Duty calls, money needs to be made.  Some mornings I simply sit here in the dark, listening to the ringing in my ears.  Occasionally I feel like staying for hours, filling the screen with all kinds of shit.  Most days it stays blank, a glowing rectangle ridiculing me.  Taunting me.  I steal a glance at the tiny clock in the lower right corner and shift restlessly.  Before long, the neighborhood will be vibrating with energy.

Tomorrow will be another day, another morning.


  1. Hi, PFT!

    Like you, I am a morning person. I arise every day between 4 and 5 am and relish the quiet hours before the white noise of the world creeps in and disturbs the tranquility. We have a black cat named Boots, a tame stray that we took in last year. Boots wouldn't allow me to sleep past 5 anyhow, because he comes for me every morning begging for his breakfast around that time. I find that I am most productive, able to do my best writing, from pre-dawn until late morning. After that I fade. I empathize with you because there are times when my brain isn't working well. I zone out gazing at the blank rectangle before me. I try not to let those unproductive periods get me down, choosing to believe they too serve a purpose.

    Have a safe and happy week, my good friend PFT!

    1. Ahh, a fellow early riser. Yeah, those first few hours of each day are my peace. I've relished for years waking at stupid o'clock, pouring that first cup of nerve stimulant, peeing like, forever, then sitting for a few hours staring at that glowing rectangle. I hope you're having a good week too, Shady.

  2. Solitude is nice, but I'd much rather be asleep in the mornings! I miss being able to sleep in.

    1. Unfortunately, even when I wish to sleep in my mind wakes me by five most days. Vacation, weekend- doesn't matter.

  3. Yep, I love to rise early before anyone else is up. I doodle in my book for a bit and sit for a few minutes of meditation. Oh, and coffee. Bliss.

    1. Yes, Deb, most assuredly coffee AND bliss. Isn't that quiet the most enjoyable?

  4. I am a night person butt my dog gets me up early so i go to bed early. I like time to myself.

    1. Many years ago, when working in restaurants I, too was a night person, often sleeping until noon or so, then getting up and showering just in time to go back to work. Couldn't do that now if I tried!


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