Something Odd Happened Sunday
Yeah, I'm back. I'd lost that creative spark some time ago, and my blogging/writing time has for months been eaten away at by job and home hunting. So anyway, Yesterday afternoon, after a vigorous intimate encounter as my wife and I lay in our bed working on a word puzzle on her cell phone, something odd happened. Apparently, and without realizing it I'd suggested the same word as a guess four times in a row, forgetting between each guess that I'd already guessed it. My wife looked at me at one point and asked, "Are you okay?" I felt odd, puzzled and uncomfortable. Around the same time for who the fuck knows what reason I'd realized that I could not for the life of me remember the names of two people I typically encounter several times a week at work. Also, I couldn't remember the make of car someone close to me had just purchased and with which we'd had a recent bout of difficulties. Now, I have no clue why I was thinkin...