On Drama
Are creatives overly dramatic? Do you consider yourself among that type? My wife and I each grew up with drama to some extent (who hasn't, really?). Hers was due mostly to her mother. She was unhappy, cried easily and felt like she'd been dealt a raw hand. Everything had to be about her. My family, on the other hand, was just fucked up dramatic. Everything that happened, everything anyone ever said or did was like, "Oh my God, can you believe that?" or "Holy shit! Wait til I tell...." or "Why me?" and on and on. Nothing could be simple or easy to explain. I'm finding that I still, after so many years away from my over-dramatic family and with my level-headed wife, find I need to catch my words and phrases as my mouth opens to pour them out and rearrange them in a less dramatic way. Old dog/New trick, right?